Divorce Lawyer Williamson County, TX

Divorce Lawyer Williamson County, TX

Our Williamson County, TX divorce lawyer knows that Texas residents love the idea of saving money and getting a good deal. For some, the most logical way to reduce costs is to personally do the work at hand and avoid hiring a professional. But is this such a good idea when it comes to something as important as navigating a divorce?

In short, the answer is no. While a DIY divorce will almost certainly save you money on the front end, it could very well end up costing you a lot more money later in the forms of an incomplete settlement and the possibility of future legal disputes. As a result, it’s generally a good idea to consult with a divorce lawyer Williamson County, TX residents trust as soon as you know that your marriage is coming to an end. By connecting with the team at the Law Office of Jason Wright, PLLC early in the divorce process, you’ll benefit from experienced, professional guidance at every step along the way. There is much to be said for assuming the burden of various tasks yourself instead of hiring a professional. But there is also much to be said about allowing a Williamson County, Texas divorce lawyer handle the “heavy lifting” during your divorce process so that you can concentrate on successfully navigating this major life transition in every other way. 

Your Marriage Is Likely Too Complex for DIY Legal Forms

In order to handle the divorce yourself, you most likely need to file “uncontested,” which means that you and your spouse agree about every single aspect of the divorce settlement. Rarely is this the case. To be sure, you could work out your differences through the mediation process, but that option would take you out of the DIY process (although it would be a much safer option).

Moreover, printable legal forms that you find online are not customizable, which means they may not hold up if legally challenged. This is never what you want in a situation involving an important legal matter like a divorce. Entering litigation with your ex-spouse after getting divorced has the potential to be far more expensive than paying for the services of a Williamson County, TX divorce lawyer and doing things right the first time.

You Might Be Leaving Money on the Table

Texas is a community property state, meaning that nearly every asset acquired during the marriage is considered the joint property of both spouses (as is the appreciation in the value of many assets acquired prior to marriage). You may not have thought about your right to a portion of your spouse’s retirement plan, small business, digital, or other non-obvious assets. But failing to consider these assets could mean a much smaller settlement that might jeopardize your financial security in the long run.

Working with an experienced Williamson County, TX divorce lawyer is the best way to ensure that every single asset has been properly cataloged, valued, and divided fairly. Saving money by not hiring a lawyer may not save you that much money overall (and may even cost you a great deal) if it means losing out on your share of assets.

Contact our Divorce Lawyer Now!

When you and your spouse are getting a divorce, a divorce lawyer Williamson County, TX recommends knows that it is best not to go through this without legal help. Especially if you and your spouse are separating amicably and you both believe it is in your family’s best interest, you may be tempted to try to figure things out on your own without the help of an attorney on your side. However, we always recommend working with a divorce attorney because you simply never know when things may take a turn for the worse. Especially when it comes to assets, your house, and child custody, things can quickly go from friendly to aggressive. We believe it is always best to be prepared and that having a Williamson County, Texas divorce lawyer on your side is the best way to do this. If you and your spouse are talking about divorce, give us a call now. 

How can a divorce lawyer in Williamson County help me?

We understand that getting a divorce is a big decision. It may feel like bringing an attorney into this will make it more real or will be “airing dirty” laundry to someone you don’t know. That said, we believe that working with us will help your divorce go smoother and will allow you the possibility of getting what you deserve out of your divorce. We have seen many people who believe they are getting a good deal or having an amicable divorce left them with very little because they did not have a trusted Williamson County, TX divorce lawyer on their side. 

Cooperation Is Great, But You Should Also Hire a Professional

If you and your spouse are parting on good terms and are able to agree on nearly all issues ahead of time, that is an ideal divorce scenario. It means that the process will likely be short, time-efficient, and very cost-effective. But you should go through the proper channels to ensure that you have worked out all issues, that the documents you draft are thorough and legally sound and that you don’t leave money on the table.

Whether you hire a mediator (and work with your own separate attorneys) or hire a Williamson County, TX divorce lawyer to help you negotiate a settlement, the money you invest now will be worth it if it means a legally sound divorce with adequate assets for both sides. Call today to speak with our divorce lawyer in Williamson County, TX; we look forward to speaking with you.

Military Divorces

If you live in Texas and are going through a military divorce, there are several key issues you need to be aware of. Unfortunately, military divorces, which have special rules applied by the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, can be much more complicated, time-consuming, and difficult than a civilian divorce. Because of this, we strongly encourage you to seek legal counsel. It can be an overwhelming process, which leads to mistakes being made and an even longer, drawn-out struggle for both parties. To speak with an experienced divorce lawyer Williamson County, TX clients recommend, contact our office at once to schedule a confidential consultation.

Filing for Military Divorce in Texas

As a military member or a service member’s spouse, you should file for divorce in the state that you have legal custody in. It is important to keep in mind that the state where the military member resides has the legal ability to divide the pension. However, the service member, if they currently reside in Florida for example, can agree to allow Texas to divide the pension if they so desire.

Division of Assets and Pension, Child Support, Alimony

Similar to a civilian divorce, marital assets will be divided under Texas community property laws. However, a pension may be more valuable than any car, piece of furniture, or even real property. Under the Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection Act, military pensions will be divided. Up to 60 percent, and no more, of a retired service member’s pension can be allotted for alimony and child support. A Williamson County, TX divorce lawyer can explain how this rule applies in your situation.

Other Partial Benefits, or Full Benefits Under the 20/20/20 Test

The spouse of a military member may also receive partial medical benefits, dental benefits, commissary, and post exchange benefits. Additionally, he or she may also receive full benefits if they meet the 20/20/20 test. A former spouse may receive full benefits if they were married to the military member for 20 years, the military member served for at least 20 years, and if the last 20 years of the marriage overlapped with the last 20 years of military service.

Child Custody

The decision of child custody is based on the child’s best interests, just like a civilian divorce. However, child custody is never simple, and should never be left up to chance. Only by working closely with an attorney will you ensure that your wishes are met.

Contact a Military Divorce Lawyer Today

Do not hesitate to call us today. Each Williamson County, TX divorce lawyer at the Law Office of Jason Wright is dedicated to providing compassionate and experienced legal services to protect your marital and parental rights. Call our office today.

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