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Family Lawyer Williamson County, TX 

Family Lawyer Williamson County, TX

Our family lawyer Williamson County, TX relies on knows that It goes by numerous names: alimony, spousal support, and spousal maintenance. Whatever you call it, the concept is the same. Divorce often causes a financial imbalance between spouses or leads to serious hardship for one. Regular payments made to that spouse can help even out the imbalance and ensure that he or she doesn’t face greater economic harm.

Below, you’ll find some information about how temporary spousal support and spousal maintenance work in Texas, as well as criteria for eligibility. It’s important to remember, however, that there tend to be exceptions to every significant rule in this area of law. As a result, it’s important to avoid making assumptions about your case, whether for better or worse. Instead, speak with a family lawyer Williamson County, TX residents trust to gain insight and clarity about your situation. Whether you’re worried that you’ll have to pay alimony or you’re hoping to be awarded spousal support, the Law Office of Jason Wright, PLLC can help you better understand your options at this time. 

Financial Support While a Divorce is Pending

Divorce often takes a significant amount of time, which can be difficult if you’re already facing financial hardship. As a remedy to this, you can work with our Williamson County, Texas family lawyer to seek a temporary court order for temporary spousal support, which, if awarded, will last until the divorce has been finalized.

Post-Divorce Support

Financial payments made post-divorce are known as spousal maintenance in Texas. In some cases, divorcing spouses will work out a voluntary agreement among themselves, in which case there are no concerns about eligibility.

However, absent mutual agreement, the spouse seeking support must meet some stringent eligibility requirements. In most cases, they must show that they are unable to earn “sufficient income” to meet basic/reasonable needs and that they have been married at least 10 years. If the marriage lasted less than 10 years, they must instead show that they are unable to earn sufficient income because they have a mental/physical disability, or they are taking care of a child (of the marriage) with a physical/mental disability who therefore requires exceptional care.

There is a second scenario that could make someone eligible for spousal maintenance. In addition to showing that they cannot afford to meet their basic needs on their own, they must also show that their spouse committed an act of family violence for which they were either convicted or received deferred adjudication. The act must have been committed either within the previous two years leading up to divorce or during the divorce proceedings.

These eligibility requirements can be confusing, so please make sure you discuss spousal maintenance with our Williamson County, TX family lawyer team early on in the process. What you do now can affect your circumstances down the road.

Payment Amounts And Duration

The payment amounts are very straightforward, but when it comes to duration, there are some relatively confusing provisions in the state’s laws.

When awarding spousal maintenance, the court must award the lesser of these two options: 20 percent of the gross monthly income of the paying spouse, or $5,000.

Spousal maintenance is awarded for different durations based on the following circumstances:

Why You Need a Family Lawyer

Whenever a person goes through a divorce, the process is typically the same: there is usually stress, anxiety, and even arguments surrounding alimony, child support, and financial decisions. We know that this is not what you had planned and it can be even more difficult if you are considering going through this process alone. Instead, considering speaking with a member of our team to see how a family lawyer can help you in your situation. While there are many similarities between different divorce cases, each one comes with its own unique problems and anxieties. We are here to help you carry this burden and represent you when you need it the most. 

Why You Might Need a Family Lawyer

Before you consider pursuing a divorce on your own, learn how a family lawyer can help you out during your time of need. 

We know that this time can be incredibly difficult for you. Call our office to see what we can do to make it easier. 

Questions? Contact the Firm for Answers

Spousal maintenance and spousal support can be difficult to understand, but an experienced Williamson County, Texas family lawyer can walk you through the process. For answers to your support questions, contact our firm to arrange an initial consultation; we look forward to speaking with you. Call our family lawyer in Williamson County, TX now.

What to Look for in a Family Lawyer

If you plan on getting a divorce, one of your next steps should be to hire a family lawyer Williamson County, TX residents trust. However, with all the different lawyers out there, choosing the right one can be difficult. Here are a few important qualities to look for in a family lawyer.


Not all lawyers specialize in the same area of law. That’s why it’s important to hire a lawyer who has extensive experience with cases similar to yours. For example, if you’re getting divorced and have minor children, you’ll want to work with a family lawyer who has handled a good amount of child custody battles during his or her career. The more experience a lawyer has in your specific case, the better he or she can assist you.


While it would be ideal if all divorces were amicable, they don’t always turn out that way. Sometimes divorces can turn into ugly and heated battles. Therefore, it’s essential to have an assertive family lawyer on your side. He or she should stand up for you and not just give into the other side’s demands. If your spouse’s lawyer doesn’t offer a fair settlement the first time around, your lawyer should be confident enough to challenge it and fight for something better.


Going through a divorce is stressful and emotionally draining to say the least, so you should work with a family lawyer in Williamson County, TX who is compassionate. He or she should understand that you’re going through a tough time and be there to support you. Your lawyer should take the time to address all of your questions and concerns and provide an environment that’s relaxing during the consultation. If you need to talk about your case after hours, your lawyer should be more than willing to speak to you.


Legal proceedings involve a lot of communication, so the family lawyer you hire should also possess excellent communication skills. He or she should be able to explain legal terms in language that you can understand and make great presentations in court. If the lawyer you speak with doesn’t offer you adequate responses to your questions, you may want to go with someone else.


It’s also important to hire a family lawyer in Williamson County, TX who actually has the time to take your case. Some family lawyers may have such heavy caseloads that they might not be able to give your case the attention it deserves. If a lawyer takes days to return your messages or rarely gives you updates about your case, you may want to select another lawyer who has more availability.

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