Family Lawyer Round Rock, TX

Family Lawyer Round Rock, TX

Our family lawyer Round Rock, TX families know that divorce and custody-related judgments feel final, but they don’t have to be. It is common for parents to petition the court to make changes to custody orders, support orders, and in some circumstances, property settlements. You can’t always modify an order simply because you want to. Your request generally needs to meet specific criteria to be considered by the court. As a result, it is a good idea to connect with a family lawyer Round Rock, TX residents trust when you have questions about modification. If you attempt to request a modification on your own before you speak with the team at the Law Office of Jason Wright, PLLC, you may compromise your ability to receive a favorable judgment. 

Child Custody Orders Can Be Reviewed or Altered

Children grow and change significantly over the years. That’s one reason why custody (conservatorship) orders can and should be revisited as circumstances warrant. As kids grow up, their needs and preferences change, and the original custody/conservatorship orders may no longer be in their best interests.

Custody orders can be changed by agreement among the parents (and formalized in court documents). But if parents do not agree on the need for a change, one parent can work with a family lawyer to petition the court, citing a change in circumstances that may not be in the child’s best interests. Just a few of the many examples include:

Modifying Child Support Orders

The stability of career and income is no more guaranteed than the stability of marriage. Either parent may experience a significant and material change in financial circumstances that may warrant a petition to change the child support order. These circumstance changes could include:

Property Division Is Much More Difficult to Change

After your divorce has been finalized and signed by a judge, you have a narrow window to seek changes or amendments. The order essentially becomes set in stone after 30 days. So if you discover a mistake or omission, it is critical to discuss your options with your Round Rock, TX family lawyer right away.

After 30 days, the only way to petition to reopen the property settlement case is to cite “exceptional circumstances.” This would need to be something major that had a significant impact on the settlement, such as the discovery of fraud.

Who can you call?

Many people who are looking for a lawyer believe that they will not need an aggressive attorney. They may think that they have been married to their spouse for many years, and surely things will not get too ugly during a divorce. However, even if you are ending your marriage on good terms, it still pays to have an attorney who is willing to get you the results you deserve. Especially if your spouse is particularly nice or (on the opposite end) vindictive and mean, you may want to give in and give them more than they deserve. It is the job of your trusted Round Rock, Texas family lawyer to ensure you walk away from a divorce without leaving assets on the table. To see how we can help you and your family during this time, please give our office a call. 

My spouse is mean, and I’m afraid of filing for a divorce. Should I just stay married?

We understand that certain circumstances may lead you to be scared of filing for divorce. You may believe that your life is in danger or that your children’s lives may be in danger. When this is the case, you should call a lawyer as soon as possible. When there is immediate danger, we encourage you to call 9-1-1 first, explain what is going on, and call your attorney when you get to safety. 

What does it mean that Texas is a “no-fault” divorce state?

When you hear that Texas is a no-fault divorce state, it means that it does not matter who is at fault for the breaking up of this marriage, just that the spouses can no longer work together, and there is not a chance that they will reconcile. 

I want to be divorced quickly. What can I expect?

Our lawyer understands that when you file for a divorce, you want to be out of the marriage as quickly as possible. Most divorces usually take less than a year to settle, though this number could be higher or lower depending on the circumstances surrounding your divorce. 

Who can I call for legal help?

When you need legal help for your divorce or issues relating to child support or child custody, call the trusted family lawyer in Round Rock, TX, you can rely on now. 

Contact Our Attorney Today

Seeking a modification to a court order should be done with the help of a Round Rock, TX family lawyer because it is a complex and sensitive process. To learn more about how our firm can help you with modifications, call our office to schedule an initial consultation. We look forward to learning about how we can help you and your family at this time.

Making Child Custody Arrangements During Divorce

One of the most important agreements you and your soon to be ex will need to come to are those involving the children that you share. Child custody arrangements can be highly emotional, especially when parents begin considering the reality that they will now have to share their children with someone else. When agreements are not able to be reached, the impact stands to be damaging. Without a clear agreement in place, you and your spouse may be at odds, and your children may have difficulty feeling settled because their lives can often feel as though they have been turned upside down. There will be much to consider, and our family lawyer in Round Rock, Texas is here to represent you and answer your questions:

What is the difference between legal and physical custody?

Legal and physical custody are the two primary forms of custody that will need to be considered. However, you will want to keep in mind that there are many variations that you and your ex will have the ability to customize based on your needs and ability to work together. Physical custody specifically surrounds where the child will be living. Legal custody gives parents and guardians the ability to make critical decisions for the care of the child. This could include managing healthcare for a child, education, and many other critical decisions pertaining to their upbringing. In many cases, parents may share both legal and physical custody of a child. In others, one parent may have physical custody while legal custody is shared. 

Who is required to pay child support once a custody arrangement has been made?

Child support is a financial obligation to help in providing for the child’s basic needs. Much of the time, the parent who does not have physical custody is required to pay a set amount of child support. This is because it’s likely that the parent with physical custody incurs most of the expenses. Common uses for child support include education expenses, extracurricular activities, medical care, housing, food, and more. 

Why would I need the support of a child custody lawyer?

Typically, child custody decisions are made outside of the courtroom through mediation and the negotiation process. During this period, you and your ex will work together to draft child custody arrangements that may work for your specific situation. The process of reaching such agreements can be incredibly stressful as you will want to ensure that you and your spouse are developing a fair plan for both of you. However, if you don’t advocate for yourself, you could find yourself walking away, making agreements that didn’t keep your wishes at the forefront. A lawyer can step in by taking the lead and ensuring that you can develop the best plan for child custody as possible and consider your personal situation throughout.

Matters that are so close to the heart can be challenging to contend with. In some cases, you may even find it challenging to advocate for your needs. This is where the services of the Law Office of Jason Wright, PLLC, can play a critical role when enduring divorce and the subsequent agreements that will need to be made. Choosing a family lawyer Round Rock, Texas families can turn to for guidance to get started. 

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